Dave Walter BMW – Are Self-Driving BMW Cars on The Way?
July 13 2016 - BMW of Akron

Do you trust a car that can drive itself? It exists. In fact, these cars are now a lot closer to becoming a part of everyday life than you imagine. Read on for a few facts about how BMW is developing this concept into reality.

The Future is Now

BMW of Akron Akron OH

If you think self-driving cars are still the stuff of science fiction, you might be surprised to find out what BMW has in the works.  Over the next few years, it has plans for a new model with self-driving capabilities. Therefore, the company is searching to hire even more technologically savvy staff.


At this time, software engineers make up about 20 percent of the total workforce BMW employs for its research and development team. BMW plans to raise that number to an estimated 50 percent. The company began reorganizing its development department in April 2016.

The technical know-how for vehicles that make most of their own decisions has developed at an exponential rate. The company recognizes that in revving up its push for self-governing driving design, it will need to hire experts in AI and machine-learning. It is also integrating systems already in use, such as lane-keeping support.

The company plans to create a taxi business with these cars. A fully autonomous vehicle allows the futuristic vision of totally driverless taxis to become reality. Using technologically advanced vehicles provides BMW with a competitive edge over existing successful car and ride-share companies, enabling them to compensate for recently eroding car sales caused by companies like Uber and Lyft’s enormous success.

Other large car companies are investing in ride-sharing companies. BMW is working on partnering with a company that provides ride-for-hire, particularly for the China market. It is implementing a new strategy for these potential partnerships at this time.

Projections estimate a massive autonomous vehicle impact on the market around 2020. Analysts predict that by 2025 expected sales may come in at around 9 million. Expectations are that China will likely be the first market to see the emergence and use of autonomous vehicles on a significant scale.

China implements technology at the fastest pace of anyone. It bought more electric cars last year than all the other global markets combined. Plans are to roll out highly automatic cars here first.

If and when the companies who own many numbers of vehicles with autonomous technology make them commonplace in the major cities, they may offer cab companies with real drivers some stiff competition. Ride-sharing and ride-hailing companies make transportation easier to find and use in crowded areas.

Investment has already begun in electric car-charging stations and mobile phone reservation of parking spaces. BMW has invested in ParkNow and Parkmobile, digital parking, and payment services. While the market presently is in fragments in different countries, it is believed to be a worthy investment for the future.

Consolidation of the old and the new has begun as BMW prepares for the future. It’s time to consider what it’s bringing. The future is looming closer than you might think.